Deer Head Chihuahua: Traits, Training & Grooming Needs

I’ve come to admire the Deer Head Chihuahua for its small stature and lively spirit. These dogs radiate confidence and assertiveness, making them an excellent choice for seasoned dog enthusiasts who understand their need for gentle yet firm guidance.

While Deer Head Chihuahuas can adapt to new dog owners, they flourish with someone familiar with their unique characteristics, so they might not be the best fit for families with young children.

But Deer Head Chihuahuas are ever ready to engage and interact with their surroundings. They offer a special kind of loyalty and protection. Read on to learn more about this breed.

Deer Head Chihuahua Quick Breed Summary

Common Names:Deer Head Chihuahua, Deer Chihuahua, Reindeer Chihuahua
Size:8-12 inches
Lifespan:14-16 years
Coat:Long or smooth coat
Color:Fawn is most common, but also silver, white, black, and gray
Do They Shed:Yes, although not a lot
Temperament:Feisty, confident and strong headed
Intelligence:Short attention span
Socialization:Needs teaching at an early age
Destructive Behavior:They are prone to being very destructive if not trained
People Skills:Standoffish with anyone not in their family
Good with Children:Can be hit and miss
Activity Levels:High energy, but easy to exercise

History and Origin of the Deer Head Chihuahua

Classified as a toy breed, the Deer Chihuahua’s history is shrouded in mystery.

Some of the first Chihuahuas have been found with the Aztecs, so it is thought that Aztecs were the ones to first breed this dog back in the 1500s.

Even back then, the Chihuahua was bred as a companion dog. It was not until the early 1900s, when the Chihuahua first gained AKC recognition, that it split into two varieties: the Deer Head and the Apple Head.

The Deer Head is typically larger than Apple Heads. It has longer legs, a longer muzzle resembling that of a deer, and a less rounded skull compared to the Apple Head variety. This distinction is more a physical characteristic than a different breed or sub-breed.

Physical Characteristics of the Deer Chihuahua


The Deer Head Chihuahua, with its unique facial structure, truly reminds me of a young deer, which fittingly explains their name. Their long muzzle and large, expressive ears are distinctive features. Their stop has always struck me — the area between the muzzle and the forehead. It has a slight, graceful slope.

Their ears are always perked up, giving them an alert appearance that never fails to catch my eye. Their body is slender, with notably long legs that add to their elegant stature. I find their eyes particularly captivating; they should be full, round, and a deep, dark brown, mirroring their inquisitive nature.

Height and Weight

They typically stand between 8-12 inches tall and weigh around 10 pounds.


Their coat can be either short or long. For short-haired, a good brushing once a week is enough. Whereas long-haired dogs need to be brushed about three times per week. Both varieties will need a bath every three to four weeks. Short-haired tend to shed a bit, while long-haired shed even less.


Fawn, chocolate, liver, silver, grey, black, and white are common. While they can sport any color typical of Chihuahuas, I’ve noticed that certain shades like silver and grey are particularly prevalent in Deer Heads. Interestingly, the more diverse colors like Merles are often seen in the Apple Heads.

Deer Head Chihuahua Personality and Temperament

Chihuahua and Toys

The Deer Head Chihuahua is a lively, alert and confident little dog.

These dogs often do not realize just how small they are and their boisterous attitudes make that well-known. They are extremely prone to small dog syndrome, so it’s important to treat your Deer Head like a dog, not a child. Proper obedience training will help a lot with this.

They love to play, whether with you or by making up a game themselves. When they are not curled up under a blanket with you, they are often running around the house, tackling their toys.

I find that because of their size, keeping a Chihuahua with bigger dogs can be an issue. They also do not typically get along with other dogs well, although they do love fellow Chihuahuas. Special care needs to be taken to ensure they do not get hurt playing with any bigger dogs.

In my experience with Deer Head Chihuahuas, their attitude towards other pets can be a bit challenging. However, with consistent training and patience, I’ve seen them learn to coexist peacefully with other animals, including cats. It’s all about the approach and the time invested in their socialization.

This breed tends to form a deep bond with one particular family member – usually the one who invests the most in their care and training.

The Deer Head Chihuahua loves barking making them excellent watchdogs. They don’t typically howl, but they will alert you to anything out of the ordinary, be it someone at the door or a strange noise. This trait is beneficial for security, but it can be a concern in noise-sensitive living environments, like apartments.

Common Health Concerns for the Reindeer Chihuahua

Understanding common health issues that may affect your pet is one step toward ensuring their long life. Here are some common health issues you should know about:

Molera (Soft Spot)

Molera refers to a soft spot on the skull where the bones haven’t fully fused. This is a characteristic found in many Chihuahuas, including Deer Heads. While it’s often harmless, it does require careful handling to avoid injury. In my experience, owners need to be gentle around this area, especially when handling puppies.

Dental Issues

Due to their small mouths, Deer Head Chihuahuas are prone to dental problems like tooth crowding and gum disease. Regular dental care is vital, and I often recommend special diets or treats that promote dental health.


This condition, characterized by fluid buildup in the brain, is sometimes seen in smaller breeds. Symptoms include a dome-shaped head and neurological problems. If suspected, it requires prompt veterinary attention.


Especially in smaller or younger Deer Head Chihuahuas, low blood sugar can be a concern. Signs include lethargy and loss of appetite. I always advise owners to monitor their dog’s eating habits and keep a watchful eye for these symptoms.

 Patellar Luxation

This condition, where the kneecap dislocates, is something I’ve seen quite a few times in small breeds like the Deer Head Chihuahua. It can cause lameness or an abnormal gait. The severity can vary, but it’s important to watch for signs of discomfort or unusual walking patterns, as early intervention can make a significant difference.

Cardiovascular Problems

Issues like heart murmurs and congestive heart failure are not uncommon in this breed. Symptoms might include coughing, fatigue, or difficulty breathing. Regular check-ups are vital, as I always advise owners, to catch any signs early. Proper care and monitoring can help manage these conditions effectively.

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Caring for a Deer Head Chihuahua

Female Deer Head Chihuahua

I’ve realized the importance of a balanced approach that includes regular exercise, proper socialization, consistent training, and adequate mental stimulation.

This multifaceted care ensures that your Deer Head Chihuahua not only stays physically fit but also develops into a well-rounded and sociable companion. Let’s explore these essential aspects to provide the best care for your spirited little friend.


I’ve found that despite their high energy levels, exercising them is relatively straightforward due to their size. A brisk walk around the block and some indoor play are usually sufficient to meet their daily exercise needs. They often engage in self-play, which is a delight to watch, though they certainly appreciate it when you join in.

I suggest having a variety of toys like rope toys, chews, and squeaky toys to keep them engaged. Remember, they’re not fans of the cold. In colder climates, a little coat for your Chihuahua is a must, and walks should be avoided in temperatures below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.


Early socialization is crucial for this breed. I’ve observed that Deer Head Chihuahuas can be somewhat reserved, so introducing them to a variety of people and animals early on is key. This exposure helps them become more comfortable and well-adjusted as they grow. It’s a process that requires patience and consistency, but the results are well worth the effort.

Mental Stimulation

When it comes to mental stimulation, Deer Head Chihuahuas are somewhat independent. They are content keeping themselves busy with toys and chews. However, I advise not to underestimate their need for engagement and interaction. Regular play sessions, training exercises, and new toys can help keep their minds active and prevent boredom. As with any dog, neglecting their need for mental stimulation can lead to destructive behaviors, especially if they feel neglected or understimulated.

Training a Reindeer Chihuahua

A Deer Head Chihuahua

Training a Deer Head Chihuahua requires a blend of patience and firmness. They are intelligent and learn quickly, but their stubborn streak can be a challenge. I always emphasize offering positive reinforcement and establishing yourself as a firm, gentle leader. Setting clear boundaries from a young age is essential to prevent behavioral issues later on. Despite their small stature, they need consistent training to develop into well-behaved adults.


Over the years, I’ve learned that grooming is more than just a beauty regimen; it’s a health necessity. Each aspect of grooming, from nail care to bathing, plays a vital role in ensuring your Deer Head Chihuahua is comfortable, healthy, and happy. Let’s dive into the various grooming needs of this charming breed.

Nail Care

In my experience, regular nail care is essential for Deer Head Chihuahuas. Their small size means their nails can grow quickly and if not trimmed regularly, can cause discomfort or even affect their gait. I recommend a monthly nail trimming routine. For those not comfortable doing it themselves, a professional groomer or a vet can ensure it’s done safely and correctly.

Dental Care

Dental care is paramount for Deer Head Chihuahuas. Given their susceptibility to dental issues, I always advise owners to brush their teeth daily. This routine helps prevent tartar buildup, gum disease, and other oral health problems. It’s best to introduce this habit early in their life to make it a comfortable part of their daily routine.


Whether you have a short-haired or a long-haired Deer Head Chihuahua, regular brushing is key. Short-haired varieties require brushing once a week, which helps to remove loose fur and keep their coat shiny. On the other hand, the Long Haired Chihuahua needs more frequent brushing, about three times a week, to prevent tangles and mats. In both cases, using a soft-bristle brush has worked well in my experience, providing a comfortable grooming session for the dog.


Bathing is another crucial aspect of grooming for Deer Head Chihuahuas. Both short-haired and long-haired varieties should have a bath roughly every three weeks, depending on their activity level and lifestyle. It’s important to use a dog-specific shampoo to maintain the health of their skin and coat. Over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils, so sticking to this schedule is usually a good balance. I always rinse thoroughly to prevent any soap residue that can irritate my pet.

Feeding a Deer Chihuahua

Puppy Deer Head Chihuahua

Selecting the right dog food for your Deer Head Chihuahua is something I’ve always regarded as a cornerstone of their health. A nutrient-dense, high-protein diet is key. Look for formulas specifically designed for small breeds. I’ve found that these formulas provide the right balance of nutrients in smaller serving sizes, perfect for a toy breed like the Deer Head Chihuahua. Real meat as a primary ingredient is a good indicator of quality.

Meal Portions and Frequency

Managing meal portions and frequency is crucial in preventing weight gain, a common issue in small breeds. I suggest splitting their daily food intake into two meals. This not only helps in maintaining their metabolism but also in preventing overeating. Be mindful of the portion sizes; too much food, even if it’s high-quality, can lead to obesity. I always recommend using a measuring cup for accuracy.

  • Calories Per Day: 400
  • Cups of Kibble Per Day: One

Monitoring Weight and Health

Regular weight checks are essential. Given their propensity for weight gain, keeping an eye on their weight is important. Sudden weight changes can indicate health issues. I advise regular weigh-ins at home or during vet visits to ensure they stay within a healthy range.

Treats and Snacks

While treats are a great way to reward your Deer Head Chihuahua, they should be given in moderation. I’ve often seen that too many treats can contribute to weight gain. Choose healthy, low-calorie treats and remember to account for these when calculating their daily food intake.

Fresh Water Availability

Ensuring constant access to fresh water is vital. I always ensure that the water bowl is filled and clean, encouraging hydration, especially after meals and play sessions.

FAQs on Deer Chihuahuas

Is a Deer Head Chihuahua a good family dog?

Unfortunately, the Deer Head Chihuahua does not make a good family dog. They are not good dogs for children, and typically will only bond with one member of the family.

How long does a Deer Head Chihuahua live?

They usually live for around 14-16 years.

How much does a Deer Head Chihuahua cost?

Between $400 and $1,200 per puppy.

What is the difference between a Deer Head and an Apple Head Chihuahua?

The primary difference lies in their head shapes. Deer Head Chihuahuas have a longer muzzle, larger ears, and a head shape reminiscent of a deer, with a sloping junction between their forehead and muzzle. Apple Head Chihuahuas, in contrast, have a shorter muzzle and a more rounded, apple-like head shape. Both varieties share the same playful and spirited personality traits typical of the Chihuahua breed.

Are Deer Head Chihuahuas easy to train?

In my experience, Deer Head Chihuahuas are intelligent and can be easy to train, but they do have a stubborn streak. Consistent, positive reinforcement training methods work best. Patience and persistence are key. Starting training early and keeping sessions short and engaging will yield the best results.

How much exercise do Deer Head Chihuahuas need?

Despite their small size, Deer Head Chihuahuas are a high-energy breed. A daily walk combined with some playtime is usually enough to satisfy their exercise needs. They enjoy activities like fetch and can even learn agility exercises. Regular exercise is important to keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

How do Deer Head Chihuahuas fare in cold weather?

Deer Head Chihuahuas are not well-suited for cold weather. Due to their small size and short coats, they can get cold easily. In chilly climates, it’s advisable to dress them in a warm coat during walks. During extremely cold temperatures, keeping them indoors and providing indoor exercise options is best.

Can Deer Head Chihuahuas live in apartments?

Yes, Deer Head Chihuahuas can adapt well to apartment living due to their small size. However, they are known to bark, which could be a consideration in apartment settings. Providing adequate exercise and mental stimulation is key to preventing excessive barking due to boredom or pent-up energy.

How do I groom my Deer Head Chihuahua?

Grooming a Deer Head Chihuahua involves regular brushing, bathing every three weeks, and daily dental care. Short-haired varieties require brushing once a week, while long-haired ones need brushing about three times a week. Regular nail trimming and ear cleaning are also important parts of their grooming routine.

Do Deer Head Chihuahuas get along with other pets?

With proper socialization, Deer Head Chihuahuas can get along with other pets. It’s important to introduce them to other animals in a controlled and positive manner, especially when they are young. Their small size means they should always be supervised around larger animals to prevent accidental injury.

A Spirited Breed with Deer-like Features

Deer Head Chihuahuas are delightfully low-maintenance, yet full of life and personality. I always find this appealing, especially for those with a busy lifestyle.

Their feisty and confident nature is something I’ve always admired. However, it’s important to remember that despite their bravado, they are still a small breed. Hence, keep them on a leash during walks and keep a watchful eye when they’re around other dogs. They often forget their size and might get into scraps if not supervised.

I’ve also noticed that they don’t need hours of exercise to burn off their energy. A brisk walk and a playful game of tug or fetch indoors usually suffice. This makes them an excellent choice for apartment dwellers or those with smaller living spaces.

About Thomas Woods 224 Articles
Thomas has been a dog lover since he was 6 years old when his parents got him a rescue Labrador. Since then his love for dogs has lead him to study Animal Behavior & Welfare. He now keeps a six year old English Bullmastiff and educates pet parents through his online publication Perfect Dog Breeds.


  1. I just rescued a Deer Head Chihuahua. This article describes him perfectly. Excellent information for anyone who is thinking of getting a Deer Head Chihuahua.

  2. My rescue Deer-headed is very impatient on walks as I take nature photographs, and she wants to get going! She walks miles and miles and rarely asks to be picked up and if so, not for long.

  3. I got my deer-head mix female 1/2020. She is very sweet & loves our family Maltese-mix & grandkids & anybody who comes in.. she’s very friendly. Not a great eater,very picky but she’s in perfect health & looks gorgeous! Summer was way too hot so she has been pee pad trained since I got her when she was about 8 wks old. So I’m very lucky & all in all she’s GREAT, I highly recommend Deer-Head Chi’s!

  4. I’ve had a deer headed chihuahua for 111/2yrs my family and I could’ve not asked for a more wonderful animal.Blue has bonded with everyone in my family including my 5 grandchildren he plays with my pit and our cat he actually gets along with all other animals.We wouldn’t trade him for the world it’s been a great experience

  5. My deer head Chihauhau Pom/Min Pin just died. He was 14 years old. A real lovable handsome boy. I will miss him forever. Yes he was exactly as described in your article. He thought he was the boss. He had a big bark for a small dog. Hated big dogs and children that were running but was friends with small dogs his size. He made a big dent in my heart.

  6. My chihuahua is very friendly to all people, is great with my young kids, and is good with other big dogs too. Maybe she’s an anomaly ??‍♂️

    • My chi who I’ve have only around 6 mo.she is 8 mo. Old doesnt like the leash . Constantly pulls always in hurry. does walk some on it . I’m lucky if she goes a block before gets stubborn and just lays down . good side she is very friendly , excited to play. Loves to cuddle has been pretty good training it’s been slow but , it’s moving forward . Teeth “over bit ” problem I guess it’s hereditary . What is a good pet insurance. She has had her baby bottom teeth out they were making a good indent in gums permanent lower teeth need to come out in Nov

    • My deer head Chi, Nacho, we had from 8 weeks old. He was my first baby 10 years ago, loved everybody and adored babies and kids. He was an outstanding guardian for both my babies when they were newborn. He wanted nothing but cuddles from anyone who would give him the slightest bit of attention, and got on really well with my pekalier when we got her 4 months after we got him. We sadly had to rehome them together almost 3 years ago as my pekaliers attitude and demeanour completely changed towards me when I was pregnant, (she became aggressive towards me) and she kept baring her teeth at my daughter once she was born, so we couldn’t take the risk. I would have kept my Chi in a heartbeat, but they had been together forever and wouldn’t have coped being apart. Happy to say they went to a fantastic home where they are very loved, but we do miss them terribly.

  7. My tricolored deer head was a wedding gift for my fiancé and I. But due to his hours and me staying at home in college she has definitely grown more accustomed to me. Though she does know she her daddy is.!

  8. First of all I like the article. I recently rescued a deer head Chihuahua from a shelter a year and a half ago. ( Yoda ) was eleven years old when we adopted him. He was given up by his previous owners because they didn’t have time for him no more. Can’t imagine doing that anyhow he is my LOVE of my life he has attracted himself to me and my daughter . He has health issues but that’s why we have a steady Doctor to take care of these issues. And articles like yours to help ( thank you ) for sharing

  9. I just rescued a Deer Head. She is 4m old. I am pleased to read all this. We have many adventures ahead of us. Again, thank you.

    • I am looking for a deer head Chi/Fox Terrier mix . I just lost my lil nugget due to heart failure at only 9years. Sooo unexpected. I must have another. They are the best breed in my book however I seem to be doing circles online. Anyone know any Taco Terrier Breeders or where I might get one?

    • My deer head Charlie was the love of my life too. I had him for six years and he was about 9/mo-1 yr. when I got him. Just lost him to a tragic accident a week ago and I’m just devastated! Rescued from the streets of my city. We were inseparable! He howled whenever he heard sirens of police or fire trucks/ambulances. I will definitely look for another deer head when I’m through grieving for my Charlie. ❤?❤

  10. I have had my female Chihuahua for 3 years now. She was used for breeding purposes only. She is a wonderful dog, very pretty, and loves her big brother who is a Corgi. She knows her place and always let’s her brother go first. Love this darling chi-chi.

  11. I love my deer head Chi. She is a rescue & almost exactly what you described. We think kids must have been mean to her in her past cause she hates kids. She loves my husband & I & tolerates my 17 year old. She growls at every until she sees my husband or I interact with them. Then she’s OK. Very loyal to us & we love her so much.

  12. I have recently been adopted by a Deer Head. I’m guessing he’s about 8 months old. He’s exactly how you describe the Breed. I’ve only had large breed dogs. So I’m getting used to him as he is training me. I have always considered a pet in my life as one who considers me his PEOPLE.
    This little Guy has won my heart and I look forward to Many adventures and years of companionship. Thanks for the Great Article.

    • I too have a deer head Chihuahua. She is a little over 5 monThs. For the life of me I can not get her to walk with a leash. She also gets mad really easy and off on a run thru my apartment making a mean noise at me. I think it’s hilarious. She is every bit stubborn. Any advice about the leash

  13. Since my mother died I am takung care of her 6 year old Shi, Tuti (that means “little darling” in Malay language.) It has been 2 years now and though we had Boxers in the past, she is the love of my life! She accepts my girlfriend-partner but bonded strongly with me (knew me from puppy days on). But boy, is she shedding! Always has been. The vet says that Chi’s do… But you deny it in your great article. Enjoyed reading it, so true!
    Thank you for sharing! Love from The Netherland?

  14. Great article, vert informative, we just got 12 weeks Chi & behaves same as explained in this article except for dislike towards children. He is very active playful and we expect lot of joy for years to come !!!!

  15. I have a 1 1/2 yr old male deer head Chi. Got him when he was 7 months old. I love, love him so much. He never meets a stranger, but I am the one whose lap he sits on. We have a fenced in backyard and he loves going out. He lets me know when he is ready to come back in by howling. I was surprised when your article said they don’t howl. I haven’t come across anyone else that has heard of them howling. I liked your article.

  16. Yes we just recently adopted a deer head chi named Meko and he is 4 months old and full of energy and loves to chew on all things me especially. He loves his daddy who is the disciplinary and he laughs at me trying to discipline him because he thinks I am his play toy.He is Teething and I will be glad when ? he has his grown boy teeth.But I love him to pieces and I get to kiss him when he gets sleepy and not trying to chew on me.

  17. I have a 9 year old Deer head named Nala. We can leave her unattended with kids…Unless the child has food, she would just steal it. I live with my wife and her family and already have 3 dogs ( 1 big, 2 small) and she loves to play with them and never have any issues with them. Only problem I have with her is she “ONLY” listens to me and sometimes my wife. But when I’m at work she acts like a brat with family.

  18. This article was very helpful and so are the comments. I’m hoping to adopt or should I say rescue and nine year old that was recently abandoned. Looking forward to what I’ve had dogs of all sizes

  19. Our Shadow is just as you described: confident, feisty but also loyal. She is an ideal companion for us. Thank you for this article!

  20. Two months ago, I adopted two Reindeer Chi’s from Humane Society…..Bonded sisters, so scooped both up! They are 5 and 7yrs…..trained, in great health and have been so loving and silly, I can’t believe them…..Very lucky with these two gals, I’m grateful to have so much love and THEY seem to be over the moon to be in MY life….Thanks for your wonderful information, it is truly appreciated!!

  21. Powered your head Chihuahua came from a situation of horrible abuse. It took him a while to come out of his shell. A year ago I thought he hated me and only wanted to bond with my partner. I am big and loud. I have a deep voice. It took him a while to bond with me. But when we got him a year ago I could not imagine how much I love him. I think it took him a few months to realize he wasn’t going to get any more beatings and he has become spoiled as can be. He has a very tiny body and a very big personality. Also he will not eat anything that he thinks is dog food. If you put it in his dog bowl he will not eat it. It was a battle of wills with him to eat dog food and he won. I feed him brown rice and chicken. And if I won’t take a bite he won’t either. He actually prefers to be fed by hand. Because he nearly starved himself to death when we first got him I have spoiled him by the hand feedings. It seems to be the only way he will eat. He will not eat anything unless he sees you eating it first. He is so very sweet. He gives sweet kisses all the time and he loves sitting in my lap watching television. If he sees a dog on TV he will start barking. We have come a long way from him tinkling on the floor from fright when I reached down to pet him. His personality is evolving because of the abuse he received but he is pretty much dead on the description you have given. The only thing that I might add is that he has started trying to talk. If he is excited or something he will start trying to talk to you in this little voice that is neither a bark or a whine. The one thing I would caution you about is that he can be aggressive and unpredictable. Although he can usually be trusted off of the leash to go outside if he sees another dog or wild animal she will start chasing it until I scream at him and yell no. We were just discussing that we’re going to have to put him back on a leash when he goes outside because a month ago he went for the lawn mowing dude. And about 3 days ago he was outside without a leash and saw the neighbor’s dog across the street and ground and ran right out at front of a car. I yelled at him and then he came straight back but not before he had run out in front of a car. He can be very unpredictable and he is going to have to go back on a leash. But he is the perfect boy in every way. And he adores children but they must wait for him to approach them. A chihuahua is a sweet angel of a dog but I do not reccomend them to anyone who is not experienced with dogs. They can be very unpredictable.

  22. I just acquired a deer head from a shelter. She came with a lot of issues including alopecia, dirty ears and missing teeth and nails longer than I’ve ever seen on a dog. Took her to my veterinarian and we are in the process of straightening out her problems. Everything she’s been through,she’s a little trooper and at 72 and not being able to handle a big dog anymore, she’s my sidekick. I love her hair or not. We will survive! Together!

  23. My granddaughter was given a deer headed Chi and she lives in an apartment and Sofia loves the outdoors. I live in the country with 3 dogs and 4 cats and she gets along with all of them. Sofia has a huge personality and never meets a stranger. She is a very picky eater and hates a leash but I can live with that being so lucky with her good qualities. She definitely loves to burrow and loves to dress up in her coats. She takes hearts everywhere she goes.

  24. I have 2 5.5 years old. Almost everything in an article is correct. I found out they bark on a big dogs when on a leash, but in a dog park they friendly with everybody. They love to walk and run a lot, we are going to off-leash park and having a long walks. They don’t like to swim, but if not push them, they may go to water by themselves. Don’t play with any toys after 1 year. They like to eat everything 🙂

  25. I now have sole custody of my deer head chi. He is the best bundle of attitude in a dog I’ve owned. This breed description is so accurate he makes me laugh all the time. I’ve had large dogs all my life and he’s only small in statute Thanks Buddy

  26. My Deer-head is a year and a half now and a wonderful dog. He is my hiking buddy and has completed 9 mile hikes with me. He is large, about 15 lb. His best friend here is a Maine Coon cat. I am finding myself really liking the breed, he’s one of the best dogs I’ve ever had

  27. We just had to say goodbye to our 17 year old ChiPin, 1 1/2 mos ago. The hardest decision to make as she was so perfect even till the end. She had a liver tumor. I am still shocked at the level of grief I feel. We are not in the position to get another dog right now because of work, but I would hands down do another ChiPin. She was the sweetest

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